Processing Assistant
Linda Burcham is from Albany, Indiana, where she graduated from Delta High School and attended Ivy Tech and Ball State University. She has a Para-Professional Certification. In her role as Processing Assistant, she performs various administrative duties relating to supporting the firm’s public accounting function, including processing tax returns, spreadsheets, reports, and documents. Linda helps to ensure that the final presentation of tax returns and documents is accurate and complete while maintaining timelines and hitting deadlines.
Before joining Whitinger & Company, Burcham worked in public school administration for fifteen years, was a teller and customer service representative in banking for ten years, and worked for the Town of Albany for eight years as a clerk.
Linda and her husband live in the farmhouse she grew up in, and they are the third generation to live on this farm. They have three children and five grandchildren. She enjoys volunteering at her church, reading, cooking, water activities, and spending time with her grandchildren.